Team calendars in one place

Connect calendars from different groups and different platforms into a single team calendar. Check availability and manage common meetings in a unified interface.


Struggle to find timeslot between different companies?
If you cannot access availability calendars of other team members, it is a challenge to just setup a meeting.
Solution: everyone's availability in a single view
There is no need to guess or ask about timeslots anymore. In Orglio you can see everyone's availability in a single place. Connect team member calendars together once, and they will stay up-to-date automatically.
What if people use different calendar platforms?
Team members might use calendar solution which cannot be integrated with each other.
Solution: different platforms can be combined
Currently supported:
  • Google Calendar
  • Office 365 Outlook
  • MS Exchange On-Premises
  • Apple Calendar
  • iCalendar feed integration
How to compose a team?
Isn't it time-consuming to export/import calendar of each team member, or educate them regarding privacy settings, explain to them the purpose and maintain calendars synchronized?
Solution: simple team management interface
Compose your team simply by adding email addresses of members. Every team member automatically receives an invitation, which will:
  • Contain team name and custom invitation text if specified
  • Contain detailed how-to instructions
  • Have secure one-time link with limited lifetime
Team members can also have different permissions, which are managed by team owner.
What about privacy of calendar events?
Sometimes you do not want to share which meetings exist in your calendar, especially with externals.
Solution: event details are never exposed
Each participant decides whether event details, such as event names, should be visible by other team members. Source calendar restrictions apply as well, e.g. events marked as "private" will never expose anything but availability.